Friday, December 28, 2012

Some warmth this winter...

This week's theme over at Written Inc. is warmth. Especially at this time of year, I'm looking for warmth. Snow is falling fast and the warm days of fall and summer are well behind us. So for some pictures on this theme!

The warmth of Christmas. A joy that fills the heart. A hope that begins as a spark and grows into a flame. Everything changed that one night when hope was born in a tiny baby, Jesus. 

Even a small light can chase away the darkness. 

And this. This was my brother's idea. And this will certainly keep you warm. 
Happy New Year to All! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Seeing Yellow....

And the theme for this week is yellow!! Which just so happened to appear in so many of my flower pictures...

Some subtle yellow in the picture above
More sunflowers! Love those yellow flowers!

 Head on over to Carmi's blog to find some more yellow themed pictures from around the blog world!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This week's theme over at Written Inc. is windows! This could be a fun one, even though my pictures of windows are few:

 So many windows!
It's been said before that eyes are windows to the soul. They are our windows to the world. 

                         "There is no greater disaster than to think that what we see with these                                               eyes is the real life." ~ Ted Dekker


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Somewhat worse for the wear.....

At Written Inc. this week's theme is somewhat worse for the wear. I came up with these two:

This picnic table has definitely had better days. You have to wonder what memories it holds behind it's moss covered boards. 

These flowers were beautiful in the summer, yet even as winter approaches they still hold a fragile beauty.

Only two this week but there are some great pictures over at the Written Inc. blog!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Theme 217- Drink Up!

This week's theme over at Written Inc. is Drink Up! It took me awhile for this theme too but I managed to find a few!

Two of my favorite things: a good book a hot cup of tea! C.S. Lewis  once said, "You can't get a cup of tea big enough  or a book long enough to suit me."

This butterfly is drinking up!

I couldn't help but to add this one!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall colors

Fall... There's so many things about this season to love! The colors, smells, crisp air perfect for walks, apple pies, pumpkins, and apple cider. There's not much about fall that I don't like!

Over at Written Inc., this week's theme is fall colors. Here are a few of my fall themed pictures:

And fall means corn mazes!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Different Angles

Over at one of my favorite photography blogs Written Inc. , there is a weekly thematic challenge. Carmi decides the theme and we post pictures that go along with it. And this week is angles. Which is really cool if you take the time to look.

Take the time to slow down And when life seems dark and hard, look up. 

"Knock, and the door will be opened for you..." Luke11:9

Glimpses here and there

There are days when it seems dark, then there are days when you look around and see glimpses of true beauty. Reminding us that while life is fragile, it can hold joy and hope. And these glimpses remind us to slow down and take the time to breathe....