Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This week's theme over at Carmi's page Written Inc. , is sadness. I found two that for me, echoed sadness. Both for different reasons:

This broken table echoes sadness every time we pass by. It sits outside of a little cabin that used to be full of joy, nicely taken care of, everything in it's place. Now this table echoes the questions that go along with it. 

But perhaps more than that picture is the next one:

This swing brings back so many memories. Times spent with my grandparents, beautiful memories of when I was a kid. And with the swing always comes the subtle reminder that we are not here forever, and to make the most of the time that we've been given with the people who mean the most to us. 


  1. Lovely pictures! I think you've really captured the theme nicely.

  2. I've walked by sites like that in your first picture and never given it a thought other that what a waste.

  3. Sadness indeed. Such a shame when things are broken or disused that we have happy memories of.
