Monday, December 30, 2013

Favorite photos of the year....

This week over at Written Inc. , the theme is favorite photos of the year. This is one of my favorite themes! I enjoy sifting through all the photos I've taken and remembering certain events, or places in the pictures that I may have forgotten. And I love looking at everyone else's. Because favorite pictures often have stories to tell. Here are a few of mine throughout the year:

If I absolutely had to chose only one picture, this would be it. But it doesn't have to do with just the picture itself, it was the meaning behind the picture. This particular day was spent exploring with the family and we found this during our adventures.

This picture because of the memories it holds. Memories of loved ones past, of joyous times spent there together and the hope that more memories will one day be made there.

The next three photos I chose because I tried really hard to slow down and appreciate the little things around me this year. There is so much beauty hidden in our everyday lives. These were a few I came up with.

 The last two were my favorite fun ones. Just fun pictures of my siblings (and it helps that their both gymnasts!)

Praying that everyone has a happy and blessed New Year!!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

In the foreground

This week's theme over at Written Inc. is in the foreground! I had a few in mind.....

And a last reminder from summer!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


This week's theme over at Written Inc. is reflective. Fantastic theme but I think one we don't often have enough of in everyday life.

Being reflective often comes when I finally sit down and stop rushing around.

 And often, the best way of being reflective is finding myself in a book.....

The window to our souls. Sometimes reflective of the world around us:

 Being reflective with man's best friend.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This week's theme over at Carmi's page Written Inc. , is sadness. I found two that for me, echoed sadness. Both for different reasons:

This broken table echoes sadness every time we pass by. It sits outside of a little cabin that used to be full of joy, nicely taken care of, everything in it's place. Now this table echoes the questions that go along with it. 

But perhaps more than that picture is the next one:

This swing brings back so many memories. Times spent with my grandparents, beautiful memories of when I was a kid. And with the swing always comes the subtle reminder that we are not here forever, and to make the most of the time that we've been given with the people who mean the most to us. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


This week's theme over at Written Inc. is Concretely. If you want to see some awesome photos of this week's theme, head over to the link!

I'm sure there is a bit of concrete in these photos:

 This wall has seen better days, could do with some fresh paint!

 These morning glories grew like crazy wherever we planted them. Even out onto out sidewalk!

Friday, March 22, 2013


Over at Written Inc. , this week's theme is white! Fortunately, I have a few picture hanging around for this theme....

Does anybody know what flowers are?

But unfortunately, all the above photos were taken last year. Right now the only white around us looks like this:

Head over to Written Inc. to see some incredible pictures of this week's theme!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On the Water

New theme this week-On the Water! I've gotten quite a few shots of water over the years, so here are a few of my favorites! Find more water themed pictures over at Written Inc.

Botanical Gardens in Chicago.

Weeping willows on the water. 

Nothing says summer like spending time at a lake! I'm missing summer right about now.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Looking back over 2012

And this week's (or rather last weeks, I'm a bit behind in things. The holidays can keep you very busy!) theme is favorites of the year! Wait a fun theme this is! If you want to check out some other favorites head over to Written Inc. . These are a few of my favorites of the year!

The sunflower is my own personal favorite of this year. Well because I actually just love sunflowers.

This cross brings back memories of a fantastic summer.

Some more flowers....

And a landscape.

So wherever this year fins you, I pray it is one that is filled with blessings and joy. And that this year would be filled with more snapshot moments!