Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On the Water

New theme this week-On the Water! I've gotten quite a few shots of water over the years, so here are a few of my favorites! Find more water themed pictures over at Written Inc.

Botanical Gardens in Chicago.

Weeping willows on the water. 

Nothing says summer like spending time at a lake! I'm missing summer right about now.


  1. Beautiful! I like the seagulls on the diving platform most of all.

  2. I wiyh the seagulls too and the small waterfall.

  3. I had a weeping willow in my back yard when I was a child. Loveliest tree ever. Until its roots began to dig into our foundation, our neighbor's foundation, and pretty much everything else in its path. It was a sad day when they cut it down, and to this day I melt a little when I see one in a park. Love your series here!
